S.A.F.E (CTRO) system are an easy option for treatment/ capacity enhancement/replacement of existing disc module system without much modification/ destruction in the existing system. Due to the capability of operating in high pressure and superior performance, the operational up gradation and quality improvement can be done with replacement of membrane module and/ or with additional modules in the existing system.
Many cases, the reject from the existing plant can be fed into our high-pressure system for improving the recovery wherein the final reject disposal will be minimized. Quality improvement of existing disc membrane system supplied by others can be done with replacement of membrane cushion alone or with or without disc. CTRO membrane cushions and disc are suitable for replacing other similar system without any modification. All replacement shall be backed with necessary process warrantee on case- to-case basis with operation and maintenance assistances from us. We can even operate the system on a long-term basis if required. The membrane cushion and other spares are available within a short duration in most cases.
Revamping of an existing system or capacity enhancement in the system or upgradation of the system and to reach the customer requirement, a suitable engineering company is a challenge.
Many of the cases, clients are compromised with a plant supplied by a supplier who are only interested to create their population of plants rather than understanding the actual requirement or issues, who poses little knowledge which can’t deliver the result in later stages.